At this point, when you hear the word “microbiome,” you probably think “gut health.”
That’s a pretty cool cultural development, since the evolving science on how deeply the bacteria in your gut affects your overall health has all kinds of major, exciting implications we’re only just starting to understand.
But what about your skin microbiome?
That’s right, Dr. Whitney Bowe would like to remind you that in addition to the community thriving (hopefully) in your intestines, there are also more than one trillion bacteria that live on your skin, originating from roughly one thousand different species. (At this point, you may be feeling grossed out and a little itchy, but bear with us!)
Dr. Bowe is a superstar dermatologist in New York City who not only specializes in skin rejuvenation and laser dermatology but also focuses on how lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise, and stress affect your skin. (AKA…our kind of woman!) She helps her patients and people all over the country figure out how to get #thatboweglow every day (and has also been a rockstar speaker at The Nutritious Life Studio’s Masterclass events in the past). And she’s sharing some of her genius tips and tricks, here, in a series of videos on hot skin-care topics.
Instead of letting your skin microbes give you the heebie jeebies, consider the benefits of taking care of them. “When they’re happy and harmonious, your complexion is, too,” Dr. Bowe explains. “But when disrupted—by harsh cleansers or dietary missteps—their discontent can surface as breakouts, rosacea flares, psoriasis, eczema, even random bouts of sensitivity.”
Get to know them and how they affect your skin a little better by watching her video, below.
Meet Your Skin Microbiome
More Advice from Dr. Whitney Bowe:
Are These Sneaky Ingredients Making You Break Out?
The Surprising Truth About Vitamin D and Sunscreen