Ask Keri: Do I only need to worry about staying hydrated during the summer?

Keri Says: As soon as the weather warms up and the sun gets stronger, everyone starts talking about hydration. It makes sense: you sweat a lot during the summer, so the water you’re losing is super obvious.

During winter, on the other hand, a lot of people are just walking around dehydrated…without realizing it.

You didn’t think managing your H20 intake was important when it’s cold outside? Here’s what you need to know.

Why you may be more dehydrated during winter

The bottom line is: Your body needs the same amount of water year-round.

Of course you do need to replace more water when you’re sweating a lot, which may happen more frequently in the summer. However, during colder months, when we do sweat, it turns into vapor and doesn’t sit on the skin. So while you’re still losing water, you don’t get the visual (or sticky) cue to drink up.  Breathing cold, dry air also causes the body to lose a significant amount of fluid even if we don’t realize it.

And perhaps the most important point: During winter, people feel less thirsty, regardless of how much water their body actually needs. So, in a lot of ways, it’s more important to be actively on top of your hydration needs.

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hydration during winter

Why hydration is important during winter

What’s the big deal, though, if you drink a little less water in February compared to July?

Here’s a quick reminder of why H2O is oh-so-important: Water makes up 60 percent of your body weight, and every system depends on it to function. It flushes out toxins, delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells, and keeps tissues healthy. Proper hydration also supports your immune system by keeping mucous membranes moist, which makes it harder for viruses to invade—essential during the winter months!

During periods of dehydration, your body can’t carry out normal functions and begins to feel tired and drained. You may put your head down on your desk at 3 pm or brain fog may kick in while you’re trying to multi-task while making dinner.  In other words, if you get plenty of sleep and eat a super healthy breakfast to try to boost your energy, it won’t matter if you’re not properly hydrated. You’ll still feel like you’re dragging.  

Finally, water is super important for weight loss.

RELATED: Do I Need to Drink Water to Lose Weight?

How to stay hydrated during winter

I always recommend drinking 64 ounces of water every day, as a good starting place, but there are other ways to stay on top of adequate hydration when it’s chilly. If you just want an upgraded way to sip that includes more flavor and added benefits, I’m currently loving Halo Sport. Not only does the super clean, organic sports drink skip added sugar, it delivers electrolytes for enhanced hydration and important minerals your body needs to function efficiently.

There are other ways to hydrate too. Soup, for instance, contains water, and who doesn’t want their spoon in a delicious bowl of butternut squash broccoli rabe soup at lunchtime on cold winter days? 

Tea is also be hydrating, whether you’re drinking green for the antioxidants or chamomile to help you get to sleep, a hot cup of tea is a great way to hydrate during the colder months.

Finally, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits, which are at their best during the winter, are mostly water.  Eat ‘em up for a hydrating snack.

(Photos: Shutterstock)

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