Q: What is aquafaba?
A: Aquafaba may be a new word for you, but it’s definitely not a new food for you.
In fact, you’ve probably poured it down the drain as you prepped what you were actually planning on eating for dinner.
Yep, aquafaba is the lovely name given to the liquid that legumes are cooked in (usually chickpeas or white beans). You know, that gooey stuff you usually rinse off your beans after popping open a (hopefully bpa free) can or boiling them in water.
Who knew the goo was good for you?!
Though aquafaba has existed since the beginning of cooking white bean and chickpea time, actually using it is a little more novel. It contains protein, good carbs, and other plant compounds that have moved from the beans into the liquid during the cooking process. You know, like bone broth.
The consistency of aquafaba mimics the feel of egg whites and can be used for thickening, emulsifying, and binding.
You can use it to create pretty much anything that calls for egg whites. Zucchini muffins, anyone? Perfectly peaked egg-free meringues? Healthy vegan mayo for your next bread spread?
So while it may look like yucky bean remains at first glance, aquafaba is anything but yucky. The next time you begin to pour it down the drain, recognize that you’re saying buh-bye to a whole lot of health and a potentially delicious vegan creation.
As if you needed one more reason to love a garbanzo.