Dyeing Easter eggs is a super fun activity (with or without kids, honestly). One way to take it up another notch? Make natural egg dye using healthy foods.
Why skip the colorful PAAS kit?
When it comes to the science on whether food dyes are safe, there’s a lot of disagreement. Some research has shown associations with diets high in artificial colors increasing hyperactivity in children, but the studies are small and don’t show direct causation. While certain groups of scientists sound alarm bells about food dyes’ potential adverse health effects, others have found the evidence is too inconclusive to worry.
Either way, making (guaranteed-healthy) dye out of purple cabbage, beets, and turmeric (everyone’s favorite anti-inflammatory spice), just sounds like a blast. So why not do it that way, instead?
Plus, there’s an added eco-benefit. Some of the dyes use parts of vegetables you’d normally toss, like red and yellow onion skins. So you’ll also be doing your part to reduce food waste.
Ready to prep those eggs for beautiful baskets? The Kitchn has a super smart, simple tutorial on how to make natural egg dye using healthy foods, here.
Now, about finding the perfect dark chocolate bunny…
(Featured Photo: Shutterstock)