Surprisingly, when it comes to the eight pillars of living a Nutritious Life, getting enough quality sleep is the one our always-energized founder says she struggles with the most. (You wouldn’t know it based on what she gets done in a day!) But the fact that it’s a challenge for her means you can totally trust the health hacks for better sleep she relies on.
In the video below, she touches on why getting enough sleep is incredibly important. (Hint: Your brain, immune system, heart, and weight are all involved).
RELATED: Are Your Sleep Habits Messing With Your Mental Health?
Then, she shares three simple practices that have worked for her (and her clients over the years) in terms of getting more Zzzs. And all of the practices are healthy habits that have other benefits.
Chamomile tea, for example, also contains anti-inflammatory compounds. Keri drinks it for sleep, but there’s a trick: you can’t just drink it once a month on a day when you’re feeling particularly wired. If you drink it regularly, it builds up in your system to help you sleep better over the long-term.
RELATED: How to Do Yoga (in Bed!) for Better Sleep
Find out more about her pre-bedtime sipping habits and her other two hacks by watching the video, below.