If you’ve ever crossed a finish line, no matter the distance of the race, you know how empowering running can be. Girls on the Run takes that feeling and uses it to do some seriously transformative work with young girls.
It’s why we chose the organization as the recipient of donations for our #ExercisingGratitude2017 campaign, in which we’re sharing what we’re thankful for this year and asking our community to do the same. For every post that includes the hashtag and tags @nutritiouslifeofficial, we’ll give more…so what are you waiting for?!
So, why Girls on the Run? Their vision is “a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.” Can you think of anything that feels more important right now, with everything going on in the world?
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They do it through a curriculum taught by coaches. Girls meet twice a week in small teams for lessons and running games, and at the end of the season they run a 5K together, “which gives them a tangible sense of achievement as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals.” The program is about inspiring and motivating, building self-confidence and agency, and encouraging lifelong health and fitness habits (right up our alley!).
Check out seven super inspiring facts about how they make this happen, below, and share your #ExercisingGratitude2017 post today!
7 Inspiring Facts About Girls on the Run
1. It all started with one school in North Carolina in 1996…and there are now 200 councils in all 50 states and D.C.
2. In 2015, Girls on the Run served over 185,000 girls…including its millionth girl.
3. By 2021, the organization has a goal of serving two million girls across the country, while increasing access and inclusion at the same time.
4. Research on the program’s outcomes done in 2016 found girls who participated showed significant improvements in confidence, including perceived physical appearance and self-esteem. “Girls were happier with the way they looked, liked the kind of person they are, and said classmates were more likely to pay attention to them.”
5. The same research showed the girls demonstrated increased empathy and sympathy towards other girls. AKA..they were learning to support each other, which is something women really need right now!
6. The girls also gained life skills. They showed they were able to better manage emotions, resolve conflict, and make intentional decisions.
7. Girls on the Run depends on volunteers! It currently runs on the generosity of more than 100,000 of them. Maybe you’ll be next?
(Photos: Girls on the Run)