Lisa Hayim, MS, RD

Lisa Hayim, MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian and Mindful Eating Expert in New York. She holds her Master’s in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology from Columbia University. She works in private practice, helping clients and patients learn to eat real food and make choices mindfully. Lisa believes that healthy is a complete state of physical, mental, and social well being. When we nourish our bodies with whole foods and learn to be mindful, we are not only preventing and combating disease, but effortlessly learning to appreciate our bodies. Follow Lisa on Instagram @TheWellNecessities, or head to  or plant based recipes that are 5 or less ingredients!

Lisa Hayim, MS, RD's Articles

Why You Need a Community to Find Success as a Wellness Pro—and How to Build One

How Becoming Nutritious Life Certified Changed My Career

Before studying nutrition, I wanted to be healthy. I came across the same obstacles that you probably face—conflicting messages from


Do You Suffer From Disordered Eating?

  Do you think about the consequence of a meal far after it’s over?  Do you weigh yourself at least