Web Behrens

Chicago-based writer/editor Web Behrens has spent most of his career covering arts and culture, mostly for the Chicago Tribune and Time Out Chicago. He counts cooking and baking among life’s joys, having learned his way around a kitchen from his Bavarian grandmother and from being a strict vegetarian throughout the ’90s and ’00s.

Web Behrens's Articles

The 5 Best Food Documentaries on Netflix Right Now

The 5 Best Food Documentaries on Netflix Right Now

Netflix and grill: That’s one way you might enjoy spending an evening, especially given the food-related viewing we are about


Fermentation Demystified: Chatting with Author, Expert and Revivalist Sandor Katz

Fermentation Demystified: Chatting with Author, Expert and Revivalist Sandor Katz

He’s been called “one of the unlikely rock stars of the American food scene” by The New York Times and


Are Prenatal Vitamins Safe for Men? Experts Explain How to Support the Health of a Father-To-Be

When it comes to fertility, there’s an obvious and understandable focus on a woman’s health — but what can men


Say Hello to Potato Milk—the New Kid on the Non-Dairy Milk Block

We’re betting that you heard it here first: Potato milk is a thing. Also, we’re betting you just had an


Can Certain Foods and Beverages Cause Cloudy Urine?

Did you know that the color and odor of our urine can key us into possible medical conditions that need


Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Goes Too Far

The celebrity news world lit up in February after David Beckham revealed in a podcast that his wife, Victoria Beckham,


Vegan Snacks to Pack For the Perfect Road Trip

Vegan Snacks to Pack For the Perfect Road Trip

With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, road trip season has officially begun! Interstate car travel is great, but


4 Great Ways to ‘Spring Clean’ Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle

Regardless of the temperatures where you live, spring is here! Feeling more active as we emerge from winter is likely


The Healthiest Packaged Pizza Crusts (And They’re All Gluten-Free)

Despite the fact that it’s incredibly convenient and always satisfies our hungry inner child, frozen pizza isn’t exactly wholesome. But