Carrie Havranek

Carrie Havranek writes about wellness, food and travel from Easton, Pa., where she is a dedicated shopper of the Easton Farmers’ Market. She is co-author of “Frommer’s Philadelphia & the Amish Country” and the blogger behind “The Dharma Kitchen”.

Carrie Havranek's Articles

5 Easy Ways to Create Your Own Outdoor Bliss Inside

5 Easy Ways to Create Your Own Outdoor Bliss Inside

A walk in the woods; an afternoon at the beach just listening to the waves; reading in the park…now more


What is Adaptive Music?

If you run or walk for exercise on a regular basis, chances are you’ve created a playlist which matches your


7 Ways to Enjoy Apples at Every Meal

7 Ways to Enjoy Apples at Every Meal

There are so many reasons we adore the fall—and apples are on the top of the list. They’re so versatile,


Warm Up With 5 Hot (and Healthy) Drinks

Warm Up With 5 Hot (and Healthy) Drinks

For those of us who mark the change of seasons with food (doesn’t everyone do that?!), we get extra excited