If You Want to Lose Weight and Be Healthier and Happier, Nutrition Is Just the Beginning

Ask Keri: You’re a nutritionist. Why do you talk about so much more than food?

Keri Says: If you know me, you know I love talking to people about putting more healthy fats on their plate and eating greens at every meal. It’s my job as a registered dietitian.

But since the very beginning of my career I’ve known that healthy living is about much more than food. When I started my practice just over 16 years ago, I incorporated components like sleep and stress management into my clients’ meal plans (and my original logo!). I saw that nutrition was just one piece of a much bigger healthy lifestyle pie, and my approach has always involved eight important pillars.

Emphasizing a whole-person approach has only gotten more important to me over the years, and in that time period, the “wellness” movement started to catch on. These days, people are finally talking about and beginning to understand how interconnected things like exercise, healthy relationships, and diet are.

In other words, your habits in one area impact your habits in another. A person may already be a great eater, but maybe she’s not reaching her ideal weight because she’s insanely stressed at work and cortisol is wreaking havoc on her body. Or maybe she hasn’t figured out how to fit a regular exercise routine into her schedule. Similarly, if you’re constantly sleep-deprived, you’re not going to have energy to work out, your sex drive might suffer, and you might make poor food choices.

It’s my job to look at the whole picture and see what needs tweaking and refining in an individual’s life. At Nutritious Life, we organize all of our stories around these eight pillars so that you can do the same in your own life. You’re never going to reach perfection across the entire spectrum, but each area at least deserves equal attention.

Here’s a brief introduction to the eight pillars of a Nutritious Life, all of which are equally important and connect and work together.

(Photos: Shutterstock)

The 8 Pillars of a Nutritious Life

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