6 Smart New Books for a Slimmer, Healthier, Happier You

When the new year rolls around, no, you should not expect a “new you” to magically emerge. (The old you is pretty awesome—maybe take him or her along for the ride?)  A “new perspective,” however, is always helpful.

Thankfully, January is prime time for book debuts, and there are plenty of smart authors sharing their wisdom about how to live a healthier life this year.

RELATED: Shop Nutritious Life founder Keri Glassman’s books, here!

Below, you’ll find five of our favorite new releases, all of which tackle wellness from a whole-person perspective. Yes, these books will help you reach your healthiest weight, but instead of quick fixes or diets that are impossible to maintain, they tap into deeper, long-lasting changes that affect your entire self—like banishing stress and self-doubt or balancing hormones. They also give realistic advice you can actually act on.

Hopefully, you unwrapped a Kindle last month.

(Featured Photo: Shutterstock)

6 Smart New Books for a Healthy Year (and Life)

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