Benefits of Cutting Back on Caffeine

Whether you enjoy a warm cup of morning coffee or grab a mid-day caffeine pick-me-up, you’re in the majority if you consume some kind of caffeine each day. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, adults in the United States consume an average of 135 mg of caffeine daily which is about 1.5 cups of coffee.

Since the “U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers 400 milligrams (about four 8 oz cups of brewed coffee) a safe amount of caffeine for healthy adults to consume daily,” the average American actually drinks less than the suggested limit. But, everyone metabolizes caffeine differently, and you may notice negative side effects of overdoing caffeine—especially on days or weeks when you rely on a little extra for additional “energy”. 

Today, we’re digging into caffeine metabolism, which foods and drinks contain caffeine, the benefits of cutting back on caffeine, and some healthy substitutes to try.

Caffeine Metabolism 101

Humans metabolize caffeine rapidly—absorbing 99 percent via the GI tract within 45 minutes of ingestion. Once absorbed, caffeine is distributed throughout the body and across the blood-brain barrier where it blocks the action of a chemical called adenosine and promotes wakefulness. 

Enzymes called cytochrome P450 help to metabolize caffeine in your liver and people respond to it differently due to the variations in the genes that code for cytochrome P450. Some individuals have genes that allow them to metabolize and process caffeine quickly. Slow metabolizers, on the other hand, notice the stimulating impacts of caffeine more intensely and need to limit consumption since their bodies take longer to eliminate it. Other factors that impact caffeine breakdown include gender, race, specific medications, altitude, and smoking status.

Which Foods and Drinks Contain Caffeine?

Caffeine is found in drinks like coffee, tea, and espresso. It’s also present in soda and energy drinks. Here’s a quick breakdown of the caffeine content in standard-sized drinks:

Caffeine is also present in foods like dark chocolate (about 24 mg per gram), guarana beans (turned into a powder or extract and used in drinks and supplements), coffee-containing foods (like ice cream), and even some brands of gum. Many supplements also contain caffeine.

Benefits of Cutting Back on Caffeine 

You don’t have to completely cut caffeine from your diet. There are some benefits to sipping small amounts of caffeine:

That being said, there is too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to caffeine. Limiting your intake may have some benefits:

Other important reasons to cut back on caffeine may include pregnancy, breastfeeding, irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure.

So, if you are noticing more jitteriness, you’re dealing with chronic or acute stress, your anxiety is high, or you’re having trouble falling and staying asleep, try cutting back on caffeine and assess how these symptoms change.

If none of these symptoms apply to you and you’re within the FDA recommendation of 400mg per day, you may not need to adjust a thing.

Related: The Surprising Truth About Your Coffee Habits 

How To Cut Back On Caffeine

Start by figuring out how much caffeine you consume each day. Then, assess where you want to be and cut back slowly if you think it’s worth your while.

There are a few things you can add to your routine to help you move away from relying on caffeine quite so much. 

Minimizing Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

Headaches are one of the most commonly reported side effects of caffeine withdrawal due to caffeine’s vasoconstrictive effect. 

When you regularly consume caffeine, your blood vessels become accustomed to it. On the flip side, when you reduce caffeine, blood vessels widen. This reaction is significant because blood vessels tend to enlarge before the onset of certain types of headaches. Interesting! 

Focusing on the list above—hydration, sleep, and cutting back slowly—is your best bet at cutting back on caffeine and reducing withdrawal symptoms.

Healthier Caffeine Options 

Whether you’re trying to skip out on caffeine altogether or need some lower caffeine suggestions, we have some ideas for you.

These healthy hot drinks and wellness lattes are a delicious way to replace your cup of joe in the morning. Hot lemon water is also a fan favorite as an AM drink to help boost energy levels, sans caffeine.

There are also easy switches you can make to lower your caffeine intake. For example, switch to one espresso shot mixed with steamed milk (~65 mg caffeine) instead of a full cup of coffee (~95 mg for 8 oz). 

That is what it is all about, right? Healthier switches to help you live your most Nutritious Life. As most people will notice positive side-effects from cutting back on caffeine (even if you’re not technically overdoing it), we recommend giving it a try and seeing how you feel!

(Image: Shutterstock)

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