7 Nutrition Myths It’s Time to Stop Believing

You’ve likely been eating up a lot of less-than-true diet information, because nutrition myths are everywhere.

Sometimes that’s because people are trying to sell you something, but sometimes it’s simply because nutrition is a beyond-complicated (and fairly new) science.

Many small studies that show a very specific, limited result immediately get touted as broad directives. And what happens in a lab does not always translate into real-world recommendations. For example, a few mice were less depressed after they were fed probiotics? That doesn’t mean probiotics are suddenly a proven anti-depressant. There may be a million other factors when it comes to humans. What else are you eating with that probiotic? What other habits do you have that affect depression? It’s soooo complicated.

Finally, science is constantly changing. We used to think “fat free” was a label we wanted on every food in our fridge. Now, we add avocado to our smoothies and bake with coconut oil.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, we’re busy figuring all of this out for you and then providing simple answers every day. In honor of the start of National Nutrition Month, we’re busting seven lingering nutrition myths, below.

7 Nutrition Myths, Busted

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