Manage Emotional Eating in 5 Smart Ways, According to Wellness Pros

Let us fill you in on a little secret: almost everyone—even your favorite wellness expert—deals with emotional eating, whether it’s reaching for a bag of chips when stressed or an extra slice of cake when celebrating.

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The difference is that while top pros still occasionally engage in an emotionally-driven indulgence, they also have their own smart strategies at the ready for dealing with emotional eating.

Hearing about some of the approaches experts use might help you learn to better recognize and cope with your own emotional eating behaviors, especially since there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. (Emotional eaters come in many different forms—from angry pizza bingers to sad snackers.)

Keep reading, below, to hear what triggers emotional eating for some of our favorite wellness experts and the go-to strategies they use to manage it.

(Featured Photo: Shutterstock)

How Wellness Experts Prevent Emotional Eating

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