How to Bounce Back From Injury or Illness (According to Incredibly Inspiring People Who Did!)

By Emma Stessman

Here’s the thing: health can be pretty unpredictable.

Even when you’re eating all of the right foods and exercising often, something totally unexpected can happen that throws a wrench into your wellness routine.

But whether it’s a broken bone that prevents you from continuing a daily yoga practice or a serious illness that shakes up your entire life, bouncing back is totally possible—especially if you’re fit and healthy in the first place. (A body that’s in shape is a more resilient body.)

Take it from these three amazing trainers who have done it.

We’re sharing the lessons they learned during recovery and how they found their way back to fitness. If you’re personally getting back to being active after a traumatic injury or illness, their stories will help. If not, you’ll still be super inspired by their strength and the power of healing.

(Featured Photo: Vera Trifunovich)

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