7 Instagram Accounts to Follow for an Organized, Stress-Free Space

It’s no wonder people are clamoring to embrace “tidying up” a la Marie Kondo.

Cluttered spaces are common, and more research is pointing to the fact that living in them can affect your mental health. (Keri has actually been talking about this idea for years; she even had a chapter on it in her 2012 book, The New You (and Improved!) Diet!) One recent study found frustration with clutter was associated with life dissatisfaction, while others have found that women who described their home as cluttered were more likely to have a depressed mood throughout the day and had levels of cortisol associated with poor health.

But avoiding clutter isn’t just about throwing things out. It’s also about designing a space that makes it easy for you to put things in their place. Really great design can keep you organized and boost your healthy lifestyle in multiple ways. An organized kitchen makes it easier to cook nutritious meals, perfectly arranged plants help you breathe and boost mood, and elements of your bedroom decor can help you sleep better.

RELATED: 5 Ways Your Bedroom Could Be Affecting Your Sleep

That’s where Instagram comes in. One of the things the social media platform is best for is showcasing inspiring spaces.

No, your home doesn’t have to look as perfectly manicured as the professionally staged photos you’re looking at, but accounts that showcase great design can give you ideas that will help you design a conscious, organized space that makes you stress less and love more.

Here are 10 design Instagram accounts to start following for inspiration, now.

7 Home Design Instagram Accounts to Follow

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