5 Breakfast Mistakes to Stop Making for More All-Day Energy

Emotional eating can be much more subtle than you realize, and if you’re having trouble figuring out your food issues, it may be at the root of them. If you’re a wellness professional (or are just trying to live your healthiest life!), you’ve GOT to understand emotional eating, as it’s likely at the root of many of your clients’ issues. Get informed, here!

While research has never really confirmed that whole “most important meal of the day” reputation, there are many reasons to prioritize eating a healthy breakfast.

First of all, if you eat a well-balanced meal with protein, healthy fat, and fiber, you’re setting yourself up for an energized, productive day. You’re also less likely to overeat if you’ve filled upon on nutrient-dense foods from the get-go.

Plus, if you start your day with a healthy meal, you set yourself up psychologically for a day filled with more healthy choices. (Ever start with a donut and then, come lunchtime, think, “Well, I’ve already eaten crap, might as well go for the fried chicken”?)

But mornings are busy, we know, and it can be tough to fit in the perfect meal. Start by correcting these simple breakfast mistakes and you’ll be well on your way to making amazing, energized choices all day long.

5 Breakfast Mistakes You Should Stop Making

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