Set a Daily Intention with this Morning Yoga Practice

You don’t have to be totally into to “manifesting” to get something out of this morning yoga practice. (But it’s also totally cool if you are!)

Setting a daily intention can be a simple, practical way to live with just a little more focus, and practicing yoga is the perfect way to do it. Not to mention the fact that AM yoga helps you transition a little more seamlessly from the calm of sleep to the frenzy of daily responsibilities. (Unlike your loud, obnoxious alarm.)

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That’s one reason online yoga and spirituality site Gaia created its Morning Ritual Collection, a curated selection of yoga videos—in all different styles and at all different levels—that wake up your body and mind.

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To get you started, they shared this 15-minute morning Vinyasa practice from the collection. Pro tip: Roll out your mat before you go to sleep, so it’s ready and waiting for you when you roll out of bed.

Intention-Setting Morning Yoga Practice

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