The 9 Best Foods for Thyroid Health

Ask Keri: Are there specific foods I can add to my diet that promote thyroid health?

Keri Says: People are becoming more aware of the importance of thyroid health, and that’s a good thing. And like everything that affects your body, what you eat can make a huge difference.

First, a quick reminder: There are two main thyroid health issues many people struggle with. Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid. But the vast majority of people have the opposite, hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid. Underactive means the the small butterfly-shaped gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones, which can slow down metabolism and make you feel tired and sluggish all the time.

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Here’s where food comes in: Your thyroid needs specific nutrients to do its job properly, so if you eat the right foods, you’ll essentially be giving it fuel to rev up hormone production. (There are also some foods you might want to avoid to protect your thyroid…but that’s another complicated topic we’ll get into in another story soon!) Here are a few to start with.

The Best Foods for Thyroid Health

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