3 Sustainable Ways to Upgrade Your Bedding for Better Sleep

By Lisa Elaine Held

If you’ve ever spent an entire night throwing covers off and pulling them back on or folding and unfolding your pillow, you know that how comfy you are in bed can definitely affect your sleep.

Companies have been using that fact for a long time to sell all kinds of products (including mattresses) that promise to improve the quality of your shut-eye. A new category, though, recently caught my eye: brands making better-sleep products that are also better for the planet.

Call them “eco sleep enhancers” or “sustainable sleep solutions.” These companies are creating sheets, blankets, and pillows that regulate your temperature while considering (and minimizing) their impact on rising global temperatures.

RELATED: 5 Ways Your Bedroom Could Be Affecting Your Sleep

It’s important because many of the materials used in bedding come with environmental issues: cotton, for example, is one of the most pesticide-soaked crops in the world. Down, on the other hand, can be cruelty-free but is sometimes associated with animal abuse.

The best part is that all of these better-bedding brands are making products that are also super chic, so you’ll really want to get in bed and spend more time there. I tried a few of the coolest new eco sleep solutions to report back on whether they can give both your body and conscience a rest.

(Featured Photo: Shutterstock)

3 Eco-Bedding Upgrades

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