Chopped Salad with Tofu and Soy Nuts

Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1


We’re not saying you should start dressing in all hemp clothing, but this recipe takes its cues from a more old school approach to crunchy, wholesome, hippie vegan fare—and it’s delicious. Mushrooms, sprouts, tofu…it’s like you’ll time travel back to the 60s and be hanging with peace activists in Berkeley with every bite. Or you’ll just enjoy a healthy, protein-rich salad for lunch. That works too.


2 cups Romaine lettuce
1 Kirby cucumber, chopped
1/4 cup sliced, raw mushrooms
1/4 cup sprouts
6 ounces firm tofu, grilled
1 tablespoon soy nuts
brown rice vinegar
lemon juice


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Add dressing to taste. Toss salad.
WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE Tofu is a terrific plant-based protein source that contains all nine essential amino acids. (Just be sure to buy organic, since nearly all non-organic soy is genetically modified to withstand heavy pesticide application.) Its got a pretty soft texture, so we love it paired with crunchy romaine and soy nuts, here, plus extra nutrients from mushrooms and sprouts.
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