Become a Nutrition Coach Program Curriculum

Our Become a Nutrition Coach Program consists of two parts:

Foundational Nutrition and Wellness Coach Program

Lesson 1: Explanation of a Nutritious Life

The Nutritious Life philosophy is a whole person approach to health and wellness. Clients must  understand that it’s not just about the food. In Lesson 1 we’ll get up close and personal with the 8 Pillars of a Nutritious Life: Drink Up, Eat Empowered, Live Consciously, Love More, Nurture Yourself, Sleep Deep, Stress Less and Sweat Often. We’ll go over what they are, what they mean, why they’re important and how they all work together in a Nutritious Life. This lesson provides the foundation for the rest of this course. After completing this lesson you will feel confident about integrating these 8 Pillars into your wellness practice.

Lesson 2: Nutrition 101

In order to help clients make better food decisions, you need to know the basics of nutrition science. In Lesson 2 we’ll review the fundamentals of carbohydrates, fats, and protein: the macronutrients. We’ll go over the science and talk about what these macronutrients do in your body and why you need them. We’ll also discuss the best food sources for each macronutrient and how much of each your clients should be eating. We’ll then reveal the Guide to 4 Keys: How to put it all together. These are the big four things to focus on when structuring a client meal plan and the philosophy on which the entire meal plan will be based. Understanding the 4 Keys is essential to helping your clients succeed. You’ll finish this lesson with a solid knowledge of nutrition science and feel ready to help your clients make better food choices.

Lesson 3: Cravings and Emotional Eating

You’re sure to have clients who experience cravings and emotional eating, so it’s super important to understand the science behind why they happen. In Lesson 3 we’ll discuss the similarities and the differences between cravings and emotional eating and how to detect if your clients are experiencing either–or both. We’ll take a look at how environmental factors, neurotransmitters and nutrient deficiencies affect our food decisions and discuss different strategies to use when working with clients who need to overcome their cravings or emotional eating habits. You’ll come away from this lesson feeling prepared to work with these types of clients and ready to implement these strategies into your nutrition and wellness practice.

Lesson 4: Inflammation, Allergies, and Gut Health

Foods can affect different people in different ways. As a health professional, you need to recognize that every client will be different and have an understanding of the ways in which clients may react to certain foods. We’ll start Lesson 4 by discuss inflammation: what it is, what it’s caused by, and how you can help your clients reduce it. We’ll also talk about allergies and the difference between true food allergies, food intolerances and food sensitivities. We’ll then get into gut health and discuss the ways in which our guts can affect the rest of what goes on in our bodies. Finally, we’ll go over how to help clients who experience negative symptoms after eating and talk about methods you can use to detect what food or foods are causing your clients distress. After completing this lesson you will be better prepared to help each individual client feel their very best after eating.

Lesson 5: What Makes Us Fat

Clients may think they’re doing everything right with their diets, but could still be struggling to lose or maintain their weight. There are so many factors that affect why and how our weights may fluctuate and they don’t all have to do with food. In Lesson 5 we’ll talk about the importance of being aware and go over common slipups your clients may be making–not just with their diets. We’ll reveal the top foods and ingredients that can contribute to making us fat and talk about how to decipher between nutritious foods and junk. We’ll also discuss the other lifestyle factors that clients need to be focusing on, including hydration and sleep. After this lesson you will be armed with the tools you need to help your clients pinpoint lifestyle changes they may need to make in order to reach their wellness goals.

Lesson 6: Detoxing & Cleansing

Is there is a time and a place to cleanse? There are so many different opinions about this topic and different versions of detoxes and cleanses your clients may ask you about. In Lesson 6 we’ll answer all your questions about detoxes and cleanses and review the whats, whys, whens and hows of cleansing. We’ll reveal the best cleansing foods your clients should be eating and talk about how to safely and effectively guide your clients through a cleanse. We’ll provide a handout on organic foods and other labels–your comprehensive guide to food shopping–that will make it easy for your clients to navigate the grocery store.

Lesson 7: Supplements

Real food first is the way to go, but supplements can play an important role in health and wellness. Your clients may already be taking certain supplements, may have questions about certain supplements, or may benefit from supplements that they have not yet considered, so it’s uber important to understand this topic. In Lesson 7 you’ll learn exactly which supplements may be beneficial for specific populations. We’ll also talk health claims, regulations and common mistakes people can make with supplements. After this lesson you will feel ready to answer your clients’ supplement questions, know where to find reliable information, and be able to decipher from nutrition science and marketing schemes.

Lesson 8: Common Nutrition Myths

Even the most knowledgeable among us have been tripped up by a nutrition myth. Your clients are faced with tons of nutrition information every day–on the news, in social media, on TV–and it can be tough to weed through the health and the hype. In Lesson 8 we’ll reveal the truth behind some common myths and discuss how to decipher between fact and fiction. We’ll talk low carb diets, skipping breakfast, and other nutrition myths your clients are sure to have questions about. After finishing this lesson you will feel armed to answer questions about these myths, and better prepared to tackle new nutrition myths that may come your way.

Lesson 9: Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw, and Paleo Diets

There are many diets that have clearly transitioned into lifestyles and your clients may be considering pursuing a new way of eating. In Lesson 9 we’ll take a deeper look at vegetarian, vegan, raw and paleo diets and go over how to work with clients who are interested in these lifestyles. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of each diet and how to make sure nutrient requirement are met when certain foods are restricted. We’ll provide sample menus for each diet so you can see how to create a nutritious and balanced plan for each specific diet. After this lesson you’ll be ready to work with clients who have already transitioned to or are thinking about one of these specific ways of eating.

Lesson 10: The First Session

In Lesson 10 we’ll really get down to business…nutrition business that is. We’ll go over everything you’ll need for your first client session, including appointment confirmation letters, client intake forms and food journal templates. We’ll provide an easy-to-follow checklist so that you have everything you need for getting started. We’ll reveal common consultation mistakes (so you don’t make them!) and let you in on the Nutritious Life process for writing personalized meal plans for clients. We’ll also provide the Nutritious Life Portion Guide so that your clients know exactly how much they should be eating and what brands we love. After completing this lesson you will be armed and ready to start booking and working with clients.

Lesson 11: The Nutritious Life Handbook

Lesson 11 is all about communication. You’ll learn how to decide what works for you. We’ll reveal tips for emailing and provide samples so that you are confident in your communication abilities. We’ll provide a comprehensive list of our favorite apps, websites and new technology for both you and your clients. We’ll also give you plenty of tools including a follow up session form so that you can help keep your clients accountable to their goals. After finishing this lesson you will be ready to help your clients work towards and achieve their nutrition and wellness goals.

Lesson 12: Running a Successful Business

Manage your business, take it to the next level and build your brand! Yes, you CAN build the wellness brand of your dreams, but it won’t happen overnight. In Lesson 12, you’ll get the inside scoop on building and growing a nutrition and wellness business. You’ll learn the steps you need to take to build your own brand–yes, we lay them out for you in steps 1 through 5, providing you with a roadmap to business success. We’ll go over everything you need from brand names and websites, to social media and networking, to pricing and growing your client base. Once you complete this lesson you will be Nutritious Life Certified and be ready to conquer the nutrition and wellness space.

Bonus Lesson 1: Natalie Jill, Founder of Natalie Jill Fitness

How to Build a Facebook Following of 1+ Million: You wanna learn how to build an online empire? Natalie teaches our students how and spill the secrets to how she did it herself.

Bonus Lesson 2: Michele Promaulayko, Editor-in-Chief of Cosmopolitan

How to Get Your Content Published: You wanna learn how to get published and make a name for yourself at some of the top health and wellness media sources? Michele shares her advice exclusively with our students.

Bonus Lesson 3: McKel Hill, MS, RD, and Founder of Nutrition Stripped

Strategies to Build Your Instagram Following: Learn how to build your Instagram following from one of the best. McKel exclusively teaches our students how she did it and how they can do it, too.

Bonus Lesson 4: Ashley Koff, MS, RD, and Founder of Better Nutrition, Simplified

Everything You Need to Know About GMOs: Not sure about GMOs? Ashley offers her expertise on one of the hottest (and most confusing!) nutrition topics – genetically modified organisms aka GMOs -exclusively to our students of The Nutritious Life Studio.

Bonus Lesson 5: Patricia Moreno, Creator of The intenSati Method

The Secret Recipe to Ensuring Client Success: Help your clients change the way they look at food, exercise, and themselves. Patricia is all about helping people find Thinner Peace, and she’s all about teaching our students her secret recipe (Diet + Exercise + THIS) to help her clients master their goals.

Bonus Lesson 6: Adam Bornstein, Founder of BornFitness

How to Build a Successful Website: You CAN build an influential and successful site for your brand. Adam is a leading expert in the field and teaches our students about building successful websites and mistakes that could make or break them.

Bonus Lesson 7: Lauren Roxburgh, Author and Creator of Lo Rox Aligned Life

The Scoop on Fascia and the Lymphatic System: Want to know more about body alignment, fascia and movement? Lauren has worked with some of the world’s top athletes and celebrities and is the go-to writer and expert on all things fascia. She teaches our students everything they need to know about the fascia and lymphatic system, why it’s as important as eating healthy and managing stress, and what to do everyday to care for it.

Bonus Lesson 8: Natalie Uhling, Creator of NUFit

How to Build a Fitness Empire: Grow your wellness brand into an empire! Natalie shares her story and reveals how she built NUFit from the ground up, the challenges she’s faced, the obstacles she’s overcome, and the rewards and successes she’s earned from her entrepreneurial endeavors.


Master Nutrition and Wellness Coach Program

Unit 1: Science

Module 1: Heart Disease 

We hear about heart disease almost everyday, whether it’s new research being shared on the news, a commercial on TV, an ad on a billboard, clients that have it or may be at risk, or someone in our life who is dealing with it. We’ll teach you the mechanisms and research behind heart disease that you should know in order to make evidence-based recommendations, how to interpret lab values and readings associated with heart disease, and nutrients and cardiac medications that play a big role in prevention, treatment, and management, which makes your knowledge of them crucial when dealing with this disease.

Lesson 1: The Number One Killer

It’s no secret that heart disease is The Number One Killer in the United States, as the title of this lesson states. So why should you be more educated on this disease? Since you are likely to come across clients with heart disease (and even if you aren’t), it’s important to understand the latest statistics and recommendations. You’ll get a detailed overview of the signs and symptoms associated with heart disease, and learn how you can approach disease prevention, management, and treatment with your clients through a case study from Keri’s own experience. This lesson will set you up for success and give you introductory vocabulary on the specifics of heart health.

Lesson 2: BP/HR – What You Need to Know

What do you do when your client brings you their heart rate and blood pressure readings? Do you know how to interpret them? Heart rate and blood pressure are a crucial component of cardiovascular health that you need to learn about in order to provide the best care, especially for those clients that bring you their readings. This lesson will teach you what those numbers mean, and provides an easy way to interpret your clients’ blood pressure readings and determine the stage of hypertension they are in. All of this will help you determine your prevention, management, or treatment plan. Not sure what those plans should consist of? We’ll share the top six, most important factors recommended that you address with your client who has elevated blood pressure or is at high risk.

Lesson 3: Balancing Sodium & Potassium

How well do you understand the roles of sodium and potassium in heart disease? These minerals have intake limits and goals, specific food packaging terms, and drug-nutrient interactions you should be sharing with your client, which are all covered in this lesson. After completing this lesson, you will understand how the balance of these minerals will help you manage your clients’ blood pressure and heart health, and be fully prepared to answer your client when they ask you where these minerals come from in their diet.

Lesson 4: Cholesterol Medications

Familiarizing yourself with cardiac medications and their mechanism of action is imperative when working with clients. There are so many different types of medications, it can be hard to keep track of and understand all of them. In this lesson, we’ll give you a simple and easy to grasp explanation of the most common cardiac medications, including statins, PCSK9 inhibitors, resins, fibrates, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acid ethyl esters. We’ll cover the organs these medications act on, common brand names you’ll see clients taking, and how they work to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. You’ll use this new knowledge to help your clients make smart decisions about cardiac medications, while helping them successfully implement diet and lifestyle changes that promote heart health.


Module 2: Obesity

There is so much information to cover when talking about obesity, from the statistics and research, to genetics, to metabolism, to weight loss, to disease and medications- the list goes on. We’ll cover all of these topics and more, and teach you how to appropriately coach obese clients and those who may be considering weight loss surgeries, and teach you how obesity is related to other aspects of our health including sleep and food security. Weight loss coaching is not black and white, and as you can tell, we’re always learning more about this epidemic. By educating yourself on this topic, you’ll improve the lives and health of your clients and work towards changing the statistics.

Lesson 1: Obesity in America

Most of us are aware that obesity rates have been on the rise over the past few decades. In this lesson, we’ll share the latest evidence-based research from the CDC, the American Medical Association, and the World Health Organization so that you have a deeper understanding of the obesity prevalence in America. You’ll learn how race, age, geographical information, and lifestyle all contribute to obesity and how to interpret this research so you are prepared, as you are the frontline to combating obesity and making dynamic changes in the statistics.

Lesson 2: Research & Genetics in Obesity:

Ever wonder how much genetics plays a role in obesity? This lesson will teach you just that! You’ll learn the best approaches to empower your clients and others to take control of their obesity and understand factors that play a role in addition to genetics, such as environment and behaviors- but it wouldn’t be a lesson about genetics without covering genetic testing. After this lesson, you’ll be ready to decide how to respond to clients and people who are considering genetic testing based on the latest obesity and genealogy research. 

Lesson 3: How Metabolism Factors into Obesity

This lesson will answer some of the most pressing and common questions clients have about metabolism. What exactly is metabolism? How does metabolism differ between different people? What happens to metabolism as we age? You’ll learn what metabolic syndrome is and that one third of adults in the United States have this condition, which means you’re highly likely to come across someone with it, if you haven’t already. After this lesson, you’ll be able to confidently answer all of those metabolism related questions you hear so often.

Lesson 4: Diseases & Medical Issues in the Obese

Did you know that diseases, like cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease, conditions such as high blood pressure, and sleep disorders like sleep apnea, are all linked to obesity? This lesson will empower you and your client to be successful when approaching the goals you have set and while making those medical improvements that result in weight loss. 

Lesson 5: Obesity & Weight Loss

In this lesson you’ll hear an inspiring client story about weight loss that will demonstrate to you just how rewarding this process can be for you AND your client. We’ll dive into the science behind obesity and genetics- at the cellular level, genetic level, and environmental level. You’ll learn how to be a cheerleader for your client, speak to their goals, and make healthier choices a way of life.

Lesson 6: Obesogens

You’re probably thinking, what are obesogens? This lesson will teach you all about the new and emerging research about obesogens and what they are. Having this deep understanding will allow you to help clients identify obesogens in their daily life, and further improve their health.

Lesson 7: Poverty & Food Deserts

Even if you don’t live in an area that is considered in poverty or a food desert, it’s likely that you will encounter someone that does. According to the USDA, twenty-three and a half million people live in food deserts. This lesson will dive deep into these current statistics and teach you ways to make an impact. The big picture idea from this lesson is that YOU have the passion and will gain more knowledge and skills to help those affected live more Nutritious Lives.

Lesson 8: Sleep Disturbances

Sleep is something we all do daily. Whether we get enough hours of sleep or not and how we feel when we wake up can vary, as we all know too well. But did you know there is a connection between your health, weight, and sleep patterns? Well, it can get pretty serious and pose a great risk if you’re not getting good quality sleep, but this lesson will teach you ways to combat that risk and also help your clients with their sleep and weight concerns. After this lesson, you’ll be able to apply some of previous knowledge from the #SleepDeep Nutritious Life pillar with new knowledge to help clients improve their sleep hygiene and overall quality of sleep.

Lesson 9: The Basics of Obesity Coaching

Where do you start when coaching obese clients? This lesson will teach you! You’ll learn how to successfully apply all 8 pillars of a #NutritiousLife in your recommendations and in turn increase your clients’ motivation and quality of life.

Lesson 10: Weight Loss Procedures

Weight loss procedures, known as bariatric surgeries, are a hot topic in the world of health and obesity. This lesson will teach you the latest research in this field, and give you a deep understanding of the various types of procedures to know if and when your clients may want to consider these. This topic is so  important to learn about, so that you can decide whether to incorporate this into your practice, and properly coach clients who are considering a procedure or may have had one in the past. You need to empower your clients with this information so they can successfully lose weight in the long term through changes to their dietary and lifestyle habits.


Module 3: Aging & Brain Health

As we age, we often fear someone we love or ourselves developing dementia, and our clients have the same fear and chance of developing it. The best thing we can do is be educated about what it is, and best approaches to prevention, treatment, and management. While dementia is an umbrella term, we’ll teach you specifically about the research on cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease, the roles nutrition has in brain health and mood, and physiological changes that occur in men and women as we age. You’ll learn how to improve your clients’ emotional health and brain health, while increasing their quality of life and making them feel more at ease in the face of the inevitable life process that is aging.

Lesson 1: Cognitive Decline

Unfortunately, aging is inevitable, but you can educate yourself and your clients about how to promote brain health and certain aspects you do and don’t have control over. This lesson will help you understand the process of cognitive decline and current research on when and why we start experiencing this loss of acuity in our lives. You’ll learn approaches to slow and manage this often frustrating and confusing change.

Lesson 2: Nutrition & Cognition

This lesson dives into the latest research surrounding nutrition and cognition. Those who have a family history of Alzheimer’s, whether your client or yourself, will find this lesson particularly helpful and interesting. You’ll learn the benefits of consuming certain nutrients to improve brain health, as well as specific diets, meal patterns, and supplements that can be incorporated into  lifestyle to prevent cognitive decline. The research and interest in how brain health and nutrition are interrelated is always growing, and this lesson will make you knowledgeable in this subject!

Lesson 3: Physiological Changes with Aging

Explore the various changes our bodies go through while we age, and learn how to prevent and manage these changes. This is so important to understand how to minimize the risk for developing diseases and conditions. After this lesson, you’ll be educated on just about every body part and system that is affected as we age, and learn how to get ahead of it. 

Lesson 4: Alzheimer’s

As prevalent as Alzheimer’s disease is, do you fully understand the various symptoms and stages one experiences when they have this form of dementia? Did you know Alzheimer’s is categorized as a form of dementia, and is the most common form of dementia we see? Whether you did or didn’t, this lesson dives deeper into the details of how to recognize Alzheimer’s, how it can be managed, and will help you answer those tough questions to empower your client who is struggling with their memory.

Lesson 5: The Female Aging Lifecycle

What’s causing all those changes your female clients are asking about as they age? How do you answer them? This lesson covers everything from hormones, to hot flashes, to diet and exercise, and more. Discover how to help your clients manage the many symptoms of menopause and increase their quality of life.

Lesson 6: The Male Aging Lifecycle

Just like women experience menopause, men experience shifts in their hormone levels and body composition as they age. Understand how to incorporate all 8 Pillars of a Nutritious Life, including sleep, diet, and exercise, into your male clients’ plans to combat those changes they might see later in life.

Lesson 7: Food & Mood

Have you ever felt a trigger of certain emotions from food? Satisfied when you eat something particularly tasty, or perhaps hangry? We all have, and this includes your clients. In this lesson we’ll explore the connection between food and mood, the latest research, and help you improve your clients’ brain health and emotional health. 


Module 4: Gut Health & Digestive Disorders

Gut health is a dynamic and flourishing area of health that we are learning more and more about everyday! We’ll go over what the research says, and teach you about the enzymes and diseases that are related to gut health, how to identify and categorize your clients’  digestive disorder symptoms, and how to help your clients feel their best through diet modifications that will build up their immune system and improve their gut health.

Lesson 1: Digestive Enzymes

Anxious to learn more about the hot topic that is gut health? Well this lesson is your introduction- think of it as Gut Health 101. We’ll cover the signs and symptoms you should be aware of that may indicate your client lacks or may not produce enough of certain digestive enzymes, the roles and names of these digestive enzymes, and diet modifications to make with this client. You’re on your way to becoming a gut health pro!

Lesson 2: Microbiome

What exactly is the microbiome? Discover the layers to this topic including bacteria, diet, disease, disorders, and research. We’ll share innovative approaches to use with your clients for a healthy, flourishing microbiome.

Lesson 3: The Gut & Brain Connection

Dive into the vast world of gut health and learn about the powerful connection between your gut and your brain. In this lesson we’ll cover some #StressLess strategies and dietary changes you can share with your clients to empower them to take control of their mental health and gut health. 

Lesson 4: The Immune System

We all have an immune system, but did you know there’s an intimate link between the gut and the immune system? This lesson will help you understand that connection, and how big of a role the immune system has in our ability to do everyday tasks, which we often take for granted. We’ll teach you how to help your client build up their immune system with good gut bacteria, diet modifications, and more, so they can feel like their best and most capable selves. 

Lesson 5: Diverticulitis

Did you know there are two types of diverticular disease? These are diverticulitis and diverticulosis. While they may sound the same, they are very different in terms of symptoms and potential complications. We’ll cover the dietary and lifestyle recommendations to consider during treatment and management of this disease, which may decrease the severity of your clients’ symptoms and increase their pain-free days.

Lesson 6: Leaky Gut

In this lesson you’ll learn about leaky gut, a fairly new concept in the world of GI disorders. After this lesson, you’ll be able to give a quick description of the pathophysiology and common symptoms that the research has revealed so far about leaky gut. You’ll learn the relation between leaky gut and other diseases we discuss, and the best diet and dietary coaching techniques to use for your client if they experience this digestive condition.

Lesson 7: IBS & Stress

This lesson will help you not stress out about approaching your clients who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. This functional gastrointestinal disorder is so common, but can be challenging to work with due to how individualized symptoms can be among clients. After this lesson, you’ll know how to help those clients who can’t seem to find any relief, and be able to guide them with tools and support to live an empowered lifestyle.

Lesson 8: Crohn’s Disease

Dive into the complex yet interesting and developing world of research surrounding Crohn’s disease, and learn how you can help your client with diet changes, supplements, and other tools. It’s important you understand the complexity of this disease so you can best help your clients manage their symptoms and understand the cause of them.


Module 5: Thyroid & Hormones

Stress. Fatigue. Exhaustion. Weight gain. Weight loss. These are just some of the symptoms you may be hearing from your clients or experiencing yourself, but did you know they may be related to thyroid issues and hormone imbalances? We’ll explain what the thyroid is, the hormones it produces and how to interpret their levels, and the most common thyroid diseases. You’ll learn how to help your clients who suffer from this manage their symptoms and get back to living their daily life with the assurance that you can and will support them.

Lesson 1: The Prevalence of Thyroid Issues

Do you find yourself hearing more about the thyroid and getting more questions than usual about hyper- or hypothyroidism? In this lesson, we’ll teach you about the thyroid, and how this gland in your neck can impact a variety of our body’s daily functions including but not limited to weight regulation, metabolism, and hormone secretion. After this lesson, you’ll be able to confidently list the most common thyroid diseases, how shifts in thyroid hormones impact daily life, and will have a preliminary understanding of the thyroid gland for when you are faced with the common question about what it is.

Lesson 2: TSH, T3 & T4

While you may know what the thyroid gland is, do you know what hormones it produces and that the roles of those hormones are? Learn how to interpret TSH, T3, and T4 lab values, and understand what high and low levels of these hormones mean for your client. After this lesson, you will be ready to help your client improve their thyroid health through diet and lifestyle changes, and ensure they are getting the best care possible.

Lesson 3: Hyperthyroid & Hypothyroid

This lesson will explain best approaches to management for your client who may have hyper- or hypothyroidism. We’ll teach you specific signs and symptoms that may indicate your client has a thyroid disease, and the importance of having your client get their thyroid hormone levels checked if you do notice symptoms so you can help them manage the disease appropriately and adequately.

Lesson 4: Cholesterol & Thyroid Connection

You may have knowledge about serum cholesterol and the thyroid gland, but do you understand the connection between them? Discover how thyroid hormone levels and serum cholesterol levels are related, and understand when to refer out to their medical care provider and other professionals to get down to the root causes of your clients’ lab values and how to best approach their care.

Lesson 5: Adrenal Fatigue & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

How often do you hear from your clients that they are chronically stressed and exhausted? And how often do you consider this may be related to their adrenal system, or that they may be suffering from a common disease known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? It’s important to empathize with your client who expresses these concerns, and validate their feelings, even if you are not 100% certain of the cause of these conditions. In this lesson, we’ll teach you what each of these conditions mean, treatments and interventions to use with your clients who may suffer from them, and how you may play an important role in helping your clients manage their symptoms associated with fatigue. 

Lesson 6: Hashimoto Disease

Discover the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States, Hashimoto Disease. This lesson will cover the basics of this autoimmune disease, and will teach you management and treatment approaches, which you should be familiar with in order to help clients identify symptoms and continue to live a normal life if they are affected by this disease.


Module 6: Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases can seem like a large and confusing subject to tackle, but this module will help you sort through the most common types of autoimmune diseases to understand how symptoms differ and how to best support your client when they are faced with this disease. You’ll learn the nutrients and food groups to focus on and become familiar with the medications often prescribed for disease management with this population. Showing your client that you are able to sort through the confusion they face and help them nail down behavioral changes to support them in this disease will provide relief make them even more confident in your care.

Lesson 1: Autoimmune 101

In this lesson, we’ll help you better understand what autoimmune diseases are, and the most common types of autoimmune diseases and symptoms you may see among your clients. We’ll dive into the research and statistics, and how you can help your clients through symptom management and behavioral changes and be their support as they face this often confusing disease.

Lesson 2: The Role of Nutrition in Autoimmune Diseases

While there isn’t one specific cookie-cutter diet recommended to cure or help manage autoimmune diseases, there are still many ways you can help your clients find some relief. This lesson will cover recommended food groups and nutrients to focus on with your client suffering from an autoimmune disease, and will get deep into the science behind why these are recommended, what foods they are found in, and give you a concrete understanding of the role of nutrition in autoimmune disease.

Lesson 3: Medications for Autoimmune Diseases

Even though you may not be prescribing medications yourself, it’s extremely important for you to have a basic understanding of the medications your client is taking to treat or manage their autoimmune disease, and side effects or interactions that may occur. Through efficient research and having an understanding of the medications your client is taking, you will show your client that you are well-educated, reliable, and supportive.


Module 7: Mental Health

Mental health is a very important part of overall wellness, and you should be using appropriate strategies to discuss this topic with your client who is struggling and aide in their journey, whether they are a disordered eater, an emotional eater, are depressed, have anxiety, or a combination of things that are not serving their mental health well. We’ll teach you who to refer out to and why you should refer out when you are not in your scope of practice, in order to provide the best care for your clients who are going through this struggle.

Lesson 1: Disordered Eating

In this lesson, we’ll define the most common eating disorders, cover symptoms to be aware of, and teach you how to appropriately approach your client if you suspect an eating disorder. You’ll learn what your role is among other healthcare professionals when you are coaching a client with disordered eating, how to refer out if you are not comfortable working with these disorders, and how to educate yourself and steps you can take to become more confident in this practice area.

Lesson 2: Emotional Eating

In this lesson, we’ll teach you how to recognize an emotional eater, the benefits of teaching your clients how to use the Hunger Quotient (HQ) and eat intuitively, and how to utilize tools like food journals and meditation in your practice. These tools will help you validate your clients and assist them in learning how to cope and be mindful about what they are eating.

Lesson 3: Anxiety & Depression, Nutrition & Weight

Discover how to support your clients who experience anxiety and/or depression. Clients with these diagnoses may represent with weight and appetite changes, especially if they are prescribed medications to manage it causing various symptoms. We’ll discuss the anxiety disorder statistics in the United States, how a mental health provider may diagnose and treat this disorder, and how nutrition is an important piece of the puzzle when you are treating and coaching clients with mental illness.

Lesson 4: Psychological Factors in Weight Loss

This lesson will help you understand how consistency and patience are key practices when approaching weight loss with your clients. We’ll cover examples of clients who have tried and “failed” various diets, and how you as a provider can teach your clients to ditch the word “willpower” when managing weight and mental health- and why you should.

Lesson 5: Nutritionist vs. Therapist

Do you ever wonder what your scope of practice is, and if you are sticking to it? This lesson will explain how to stay within your scope of practice when coaching your patients and clients, whether you are a coach, a trainer, or a professional with a degree in counseling such as a therapist or registered dietitian- and why staying within your boundaries and knowing who to refer out to is so important in proper care.


Module 8: Women’s Health

The world of women’s health is a truly fascinating (but often complicated) world. There’s fertility, hormones, PCOS, menopause, menstruation, and more. We’ll cover all of these topics in this module, and teach you about the changes your clients will face throughout the life cycle that they’ll be coming to you with questions about. This module will prepare you to empower your female clients through diet and behavioral changes that will keep them strong and healthy!

Lesson 1: Estrogen/Progesterone/Testosterone

In this lesson, we’ll teach you about the major women’s sex hormones that you should be discussing in your work with female clients. These hormones are important at every stage of the life cycle, and after this lesson you’ll have a foundational understanding and be ready to support your clients in whatever these hormones throw their way- whether it’s menopause, amenorrhea, or endometriosis, you’ll be prepared to talk to your client about the role these hormones have in their health.

Lesson 2: Weight & Menstruation

If you work with female clients, it’s very likely that weight and menstruation will be a hot topic of discussion. This lesson prepares you to discuss these topics, from the basic definitions of menstrual disorders, to the roles weight and hormones play in female menstrual health, down to the cellular level. You’ll be able to help your clients through these often confusing and frustrating disorders related to weight and menstruation, which your understanding of is essential to their overall health.

Lesson 3: PCOS

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a fairly common condition among women. In this lesson, we’ll cover the symptoms your client may present with if they have PCOS, and factors that may worsen it or other diseases linked to PCOS such as insulin resistance and endometrial cancer. The good news is that you are at the frontline of helping your client manage this condition, and we’ll teach you the research behind recommended diets and what you should be recommending to your clients to help them reverse and reduce symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Lesson 4: Female Fertility

Female fertility is often a sensitive topic, but it’s crucial to have recommendations for those clients who are either struggling to get pregnant, stay pregnant, or just want to know more. You are there to offer support and advice, and this lesson will ensure you have the right evidence-based answers about diet and lifestyle to help your client maximize their fertility.

Lesson 5: Menopause

Explore the various factors that play into severity and frequency of menopause symptoms, and help your female clients make diet and lifestyle adjustments. We’ll take you through a client story and recommendations that were used to help her find relief. After this lesson, you’ll have a toolkit full of evidence-based techniques to share with your female clients which may help alleviate their symptoms.

Lesson 6: Bone Health

How much do you really know about bone health and how to promote strong, healthy bones throughout life? In this lesson, we’ll cover the vitamins and minerals that are important for bone health, the best food sources of these nutrients, and why you always hear the term “weight-bearing” exercise being recommended as we age. We’ll teach you how to coach your clients and what factors you may need to consider when learning about their intake and helping them build stronger bones!


Module 9: Men’s Health

This module will take you through a topic that doesn’t seem to get discussed as much as it’s female counterpart does. Men’s health is just as important as women’s health, and this module will encourage you to get the conversation going and improve the lives of your male clients. We’ll cover hormones, steroids, fertility, and that stubborn belly fat your clients probably ask you about. As someone who sees clients, you are in the position to help them talk about the hard and confusing things that happen with their bodies and health, and this module will that easier for both sides.

Lesson 1: Testosterone

Testosterone boosters, steroids, the phenomenon that men usually lose weight faster than women- this lesson will answer all of your questions about the male client and testosterone, and addresses questions that you’ll often have your male clients asking! We’ll dive into the pillars of a #NutritiousLife and explain how you can work with your clients to naturally boost their testosterone levels.

Lesson 2: Weight Management

You may know that men tend to lose weight faster than women, but did you know that weight loss is often a sensitive topic for men like it is for women? We’ll tell you about the research that shows how men are just as interested in their health and appearance as women, but also shy away from getting into deep discussions about this topic. So how do you help your male clients that don’t know how or may not necessarily want to talk about this? This lesson will teach you how to be supportive of these clients and help them along their weight loss journey.

Lesson 3: Belly Fat

Nearly all of us have belly fat, so shouldn’t we be educated about it? Use this lesson to prepare you to help almost all of your male clients when they come to you to find a solution for this extra weight they’ve been carrying in their gut. We’ll dive into the science, major health risks, and hormones that you should be aware of before diving into this topic. You’ll learn how to help your male clients make diet and lifestyle changes and say goodbye to that stubborn belly fat.

Lesson 4: Male Fertility

You may not be comfortable discussing some topics within male fertility with your clients, but it is important to still be educated and aware of questions they may have so you can properly respond or know how to refer out to get your clients the help they are searching for. In this lesson, we’ll teach you about diet and lifestyle changes your male clients can make to improve their fertility, and the importance of encouraging men to discuss this topic with their medical provider and what exactly they should be discussing if you aren’t the person for the job. Having these conversations and sharing knowledge about fertility with your male clients will empower them to improve their overall wellness, which is your ultimate goal!


Module 10: Athletes & Exercisers

This module is all about sports nutrition and performance. Whether your clients are rockstar athletes, take a yoga class here and there, or have just shown interest of joining a gym to work on their physical health, we’ll teach you about exercise at the cellular level, considerations for nutrition before and after working out, how to help your client recover from an injury, how to work with active clients who focus on certain eating patterns or exercise types, and even the effect that alcohol can have on their performance. After watching the lessons in this module, you’ll be able to answer the sports nutrition questions your clients have while individualizing your recommendations based on level of exercise and type of exercise, and keep your clients’ interests and goals a priority.

Lesson 1: Definitions – Athlete vs. Exerciser

Do you know the difference between an athlete and an exerciser? Did you know they have different nutrition needs, just like how we as people have individualized nutrition needs? This lesson dives into the definitions that differentiate the two types of clients, and outlines how you can personalize nutrition recommendations based on your clients needs. Whether your client is a paid athlete, an intense exerciser, or likes to exercise once in a while, it’s important that you can demonstrate knowledge in this area, since nutrition needs for this population are not black and white.

Lesson 2: Glycogen

If you don’t know how to help your clients stay fueled and have energy during exercise, how do you address fatigue and improve their performance and results? This lesson is all about glycogen- the storage form of energy that your client uses throughout their day, not just while exercising! We’ll cover how to help your clients optimize these stores, and recommendations you can give to ensure your clients are properly fueled.

Lesson 3: Muscle vs Fat During Weight Loss

In this lesson, we’ll provide answers to the most common questions we hear clients asking when it comes to losing weight, getting leaner, building muscle, and the popular subject that is metabolism. Even if you don’t have clients who are avid exercisers, this lesson provides information in an easy to digest Q&A format that will provide you with helpful tidbits that you’re sure to use about weight loss and metabolism in general.

Lesson 4: Aerobic & Anaerobic

Having trouble recalling what aerobic and anaerobic mean in terms of exercise? That’s okay, this lesson will explain what these words mean and why it’s important for you to know them so you can suggest a combination of exercise types to your clients. In this lesson, you’ll discover how to help your client #SweatOften with exercise that they enjoy and is effective and beneficial in their overall wellness plan.

Lesson 5: Nutrition During Training

Just like nutrition needs are individualized from client to client, nutrition needs are individualized during training. In this lesson, we’ll teach you nutrient recommendations, meal timing, and snack and meal ideas for your client, whether they are a casual exerciser or a competitive athlete. Your clients will look to you for this information, and after this lesson you’ll be able to properly give recommendations about fueling their bodies during training to maximize their performance.

Lesson 6: Nutrition Post Training

As important as nutrition is during training, it’s also SO important post-training for muscle repair and energy repletion. Whether you client exercises once in a while or is a serious athlete, getting the proper nutrients in after they exercise will result in better results for all the sweat and work they’ve put in. After this lesson, you will be prepared to recommend examples of snacks that provide protein and carbohydrate to refuel your client, and we’ll outline the research and specific meals that have been found to help with inflammation and muscle recovery post-exercise. Help your clients maximize their recovery and get results they want with the very specific, strategic nutrient amounts and ratios we cover in this lesson!

Lesson 7: Electrolytes

Electrolyte is a term we hear so often and see it marketed on many beverage products, but do we know why they are important and when we should recommend a client increase their intake through beverages or various foods? Explore the types of electrolytes, food and beverages that provide these electrolytes, and symptoms that may indicate an electrolyte imbalance in this lesson. You’ll learn how to personalize electrolyte recommendations for your clients based on physical activity and other factors so they can prevent an electrolyte imbalance and the undesired symptoms that come along with it.

Lesson 8: Injury & Recovery

When one of your clients who is an athlete or regular exerciser gets injured, it can be a very stressful and emotionally draining time for them. Not only is their physical health affected, but their mental health also takes a hit because exercising is something that really brings them joy and is a regular part of their routine, but their injury stops them from being able to exercise. It’s your job to support this client, and this lesson will teach you what to recommend to help fight the inflammation that is building up and get your client heal, and get back on their feet and in a groove.

Lesson 9: Caloric & Macros Considerations

You may be familiar with macro counting, and probably have clients who are obsessed with tracking calories and macro intake. This lesson will teach you how to properly count macros if your client is interested in this, with percentages and math equations- the whole thing! We’ll help you understand our perspective about counting calories, and provide insight into why calorie counting may not need to be the focus of your nutrition sessions with your athletic clients, but rather a focus on healthful, effective, individualized planning to boost their performance.

Lesson 10: Carb Cycling

If you get questions from your athletic and exerciser clients about carb cycling, do you know what they’re referring to? Well if you don’t, after this lesson, you’ll understand what they’re asking about. And if you do, you’ll learn how to best approach this discussion and the thought-process behind this trendy topic. We’ll cover what it means to “carb cycle” and the perceived benefits your clients will get from this practice. Even though science isn’t conclusive on this topic, you need to show your clients the array of knowledge you have and be prepared to introduce them to carb cycling if they express interest.

Lesson 11: HIIT

For your clients that are looking for exercise to help with weight loss, muscle strengthening and an overall increase in fitness, HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, might be the type of exercise to explore with them. Before you can recommend HIIT, you need to have an understanding of what it is, and know how to properly make nutrition recommendations to fuel your client before and after this exercise. HIIT is backed by so much research and has shown evidence-based results, so we recommend learning about this type of exercise to help your client find movement that they enjoy and is effective!

Lesson 12: Plant Based Athletes

There’s no doubt that you’ve heard the word plant-based, whether in an ad, from your clients, in the office- it’s everywhere! This lesson will help you get familiarized with this term and how to approach the athletic client that expresses interest in going plant-based, as well as the difference between being plant-based, vegetarian, or vegan. These terms often get thrown around together, but they actually mean very different things, so we’re here to teach you how to differentiate between them and successfully build recommendations for plant-based eaters.

Lesson 13: Alcohol’s Effect on Muscle Loss

Do you want in on the truth about alcohol intake and muscle growth that most people don’t know? In this lesson, you’ll learn how excessive alcohol intake or alcohol intake post-exercise may be harmful to the muscle growth goals of your serious exerciser clients. It’s not all bad, but this lesson will teach you how to address the side effects that may occur due to alcohol intake with your athletic clients.


Module 11: Food & Environmental Issues 

As a whole, humanity seems to be becoming more health conscious, especially in how what we eat and do affects our environment. This module will teach you the definitions you need to learn to have a basic understanding of the environmental concerns your clients may bring up, but will dive deep into the science and research behind these topics. These include the popular comparisons of organic vs. GMO and local vs. in season. We’ll provide top tips to help you and your clients shift the statistics in food waste and global hunger, and become more environmentally aware.

Lesson 1: Carbon Footprint

You’ve most likely heard the term carbon footprint and your clients may have too, but what does your carbon footprint tell you and why do we keep hearing about it? This lesson will help you understand what your carbon footprint measures, and why you should be making changes to minimize it, whether big or small- it’s about progress not perfection, and every little bit will help! Having this understanding will help promote a more healthful environment for your client and will make you both aware of steps you can take to live more consciously.

Lesson 2: Organic

As someone who is coaching people, your role is to understand the science and reshape the information into an educational, impactful conversation with your client. You also need to address your clients’ desires, and nowadays most clients are under the impression organic is always better. Is this true? This lesson will dive into the science and research behind organic produce, the relationship organic produce has with environmental and personal health, and will be your go-to lesson with handouts and tools to use when your clients ask about organic foods.

Lesson 3: GMOs

Genetically modified organisms can be an intimidating topic. There are so many opinions from the consumer and producer sides, and pages of research to sort through that you probably are lost about where to even start with GMOs. Your clients have questions about them, so you need to educate yourself to help your clients make sense of all this information. After this lesson, you will be able to explain to your client what GMO means in basic genetic terms, identify current ways we are using GMOs to make advances in biotech, and and make recommendations to meet your client where they are at whether they avoid GMOs completely or don’t have a clue what GMO means.

Lesson 4: Local & In Season

It’s no secret that we want our clients to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diet, but there are many different ways they can do this including eating local or in season. These may seem like trendy terms, but this lesson will open your eyes to how these ways of eating are beneficial so that you can educate your client and help them differentiate between these two terms. This lesson will help you lower your clients’ grocery store bills, increase the quality of produce they’re consuming, and most importantly improve their health!

Lesson 5: Food Waste

In today’s world, most of us are eating on the go and lead such busy lives that we end up wasting food- whether it’s because of the large portion sizes of takeout food, because we were too busy to notice the produce in our fridge was going bad, and a number of other reasons. In fact, 30-40% of the food supply in the United States is wasted. It’s our job to be more aware of the amount of food we waste. This lesson will make you think about this and provide you with tips to share with clients to reduce food waste to empower them to shift these statistics and become change agents for economic losses, climate change, and global hunger.

Lesson 6: Arsenic

The title of this lesson may be scary, but we’re here to make you more aware and mindful so you can address your clients concerns, or educate them as well. We’ll cover how arsenic even gets into our food supply, if we need to be concerned about it, and how to address this sensitive and sometimes confusing topic with your clients to keep them at ease.

Lesson 7: Mercury

When working with clients, we need to be aware of risks associated with certain food groups or client populations so we can best educate and accommodate their plan to their needs. Mercury is an element we should be particularly concerned with for those clients who are seafood fanatics or are trying to get pregnant. In this lesson, we’ll teach you how to choose and recommend seafood options to lower mercury intake, and reduce overall exposure to mercury in our daily lives to decrease risk and improve safety.


Unit 2: Coaching

MODULE 12: Coaching

Change and new environments are hard for you and your clients. This module will teach you how to identify your clients’ readiness to make changes and meet them where they are at, recognize their resistance, and be supportive throughout their journey in making sustainable lifestyle and diet modifications. If you are interested in learning more about how to approach or begin group coaching, or want to build up your skill set when working with larger groups of people, this module will equip you with a step by step outline that will help you learn what your clients’ interests are and effectively develop an education and coaching plan that will position you as the expert.

Lesson 1: Stages of Behavioral Change

There’s no doubt that change is hard. Being able to assess your clients’ readiness to change can help you overcome huge barriers in your coaching, and appropriately coach your clients by meeting them where they are at. In this lesson, we’ll teach you about the Transtheoretical Model of Change, so that you are fully equipped with the theory research from social scientists and able to identify the stage of change your client is in by what they are telling you. It doesn’t stop when they are ready to change- and this lesson will teach you how to maintain this motivation and follow up with your clients in the long term.

Lesson 2: Resistance to Change

Behavior change can often be a sensitive and tricky topic to bring up with your clients. This lesson covers all types of behavior change you may encounter with your clients, whether they’re set in their ways or are just uncertain of how to move forward. After this lesson, you’ll have knowledge of successful strategies in behavior change and be ready to help your clients get past their resistance or fears.

Lesson 3: How to Craft a Group Lesson Plan

Whether you are currently planning group lessons, or want to in the future, the most important part is having a plan. This lesson covers all the details you need to know when crafting that plan, from identifying your clients’ needs, interviewing and observing the client in their environment, developing an educational program, and setting broad goals and specific objectives. Knowing about the client and community you are speaking to will help your message make even more of an impact in their lives and daily routines, and position you as the expert.

Lesson 4: Coaching a Group

Coaching a group may be intimidating, especially if you are new to it or are placed in a new environment with new faces. In this lesson, we’ll teach you how to be the best group facilitator and leader you can be, through active listening, flexibility, humor, and a variety of other techniques. After this lesson, you will be more confident in group coaching sessions, even with a difficult client or two, and the group will look forward to your leadership and respect your knowledge and expertise even more.



MODULE 13: Empowerment, Trust, and Success

Do you find your clients referring to their willingness and readiness to change in terms of their willpower? This module teaches you how to shift their thoughts and focus on empowerment instead, while teaching you how your interactions with them are just as important as what they are sharing with you. You’ll learn how to reframe their mindset on change so that they are more successful, positive, and mindful, and understand how to be more mindful in your relationship with your clients as well.

Lesson 1: Willpower and Empowered Eating

What is willpower, and why do we need to talk about it? This lesson dives into research and statistics behind willpower to help you understand why reframing it as empowered eating can resonate better with your clients and help you, help them. Willpower often comes with negative energy and can actually make people less successful in their journey to change their lifestyle. You will discover the power behind empowered eating, and help your clients reframe their mindset to be successful and feel good about where they’re at.

Lesson 2: The Basics of Self-Disclosure

It’s important to be mindful and intentional with what we share with others, especially with our clients. Discover how self-disclosure can be both positive and negative, and learn how to effectively use self-disclosure to reach your client and build their trust. In this lesson, we’ll teach you how to be professional with your self-disclosure in a way that brings the most benefits to you and your clients’ relationships and progress.


MODULE 14: Motivating and Communicating: Making Connections While Coaching

When working with clients, your ultimate goal is to create long-lasting behavior changes with your clients so that they feel comfortable and confident in their ability to grow, and your ability to coach. In this module, you’ll learn how to expand your interpersonal skills and discover how our brains’ structure plays a role in becoming a better coach, and ultimately creating those lifelong changes.  

Lesson 1: How to Be a Better Coach

There are so many aspects to coaching, and it takes some time to learn and master them. In this lesson, we’ll walk you through how to create lasting transformations in your clients’ behaviors. We’ll explain how individual beliefs and the 3 basic human needs – love, safety, and belonging – influence clients when making behavioral decisions, and we’ll walk you through a detailed client scenario to help you visualize this with your own clients.

Lesson 2: The Key to Lifelong Changes

In this lesson, we’ll dive into the reactions that occur between our cortex, limbic system, and brain stem. This will help you further understand how to help your clients get “unstuck” and succeed beyond short term goals. After this lesson, you will have the knowledge to better facilitate lifelong changes in your clients’ behaviors, which will help them be successful in reaching and maintaining their goals.

Lesson 3: How To Create Connection To Set The Stage For Transformation

We’ll cover several crucial skills you’ll need to coach clients who have short or long term health and behavior transformation goals. We’ll teach you how to build rapport and develop trust so that your clients feel emotionally understood, safe, and secure in your coaching relationship. You’ll also learn how to actively listen to your clients and coach them in a way that speaks to their own experiences and beliefs, so they can successfully make the lasting changes they seek. 


Unit 3: Business

MODULE 15: Setting Yourself up For Success: Business Clarity

Building a successful business requires confidence, passion, and a lot of hard work – but it’s worth it! And, the more you put into it from the beginning to lay a strong foundation, the better you’ll be set up for success in the long run. In this Module, we’ll teach you how to gain ultimate clarity using the TNS 360-365 Method. You’ll solidify the reasons you want to grow your wellness business and remove any fear that might be blocking you. You’ll determine how your business should be modeled to turn a profit, how to create a brand that customers flock towards, who your best customers are, and how to effectively target them. You’ll discover the most effective marketing tactics to turn leads into conversions, and you’ll establish what you need to accomplish on your own and what you need to outsource, even on a tight budget. Once you complete this module, you’ll have the confidence and 360 degree clarity to get your business off the ground or take it to the profitable status you’ve been dreaming of. 

Lesson 1: Business Clarity

In lesson 1, we’ll introduce you to our 360/365 Method of Clarity, which every entrepreneur needs to build a successful business. We’ll convince you why you absolutely SHOULD build your wellness business and overcome any fear that’s been standing in your way. You’ll dive deep to understand your personal strengths and weaknesses as an entrepreneur, and really hone in on why you feel called to fulfill this goal. We’ll help you intersect your purpose and passion so you’ll feel confident, ready, and willing to keep pushing forward.

Lesson 2: Profit Clarity

In this lesson, we’ll help you figure out how to make your business an actual business – that is, one that makes money! And not just any amount of money – the amount of money you want it to make. You’ll learn to not shy away from audacious goals, and make a step-by-step plan to get you there. You’ll learn about different profit models and which makes the most sense for your business, and how to create your signature offering that will define how you solve customer problems. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a clear plan to follow to know what to invest in, and how you will drive revenue to sustain profitability.

Lesson 3: Brand Clarity

What does your brand stand for? What is your vision? Your mission? What journey do you want to take your customers on? We’ll help you work through these questions and help you realize you aren’t just selling your product or service, but rather a new experience, promise, or lifestyle to your customers. We’ll explain why your brand should be ever-evolving, and how to establish a brand that resonates and is sustainable, while remaining relevant with the ever changing landscape and industry.

Lesson 4: Customer Clarity

In this lesson, you’ll uncover who your ideal customer is, how to find them, and how to solve their problems. You’ll work through our Customer Avatar exercise and discover the reasons they need your expertise, now. Once you understand exactly who your target audience is, reaching them and marketing to them will be a cinch.

Lesson 5: Marketing Clarity

How will you market to your ideal customer, and what content will you create? We’ll debunk all the myths that are holding you back, help you break through the noise and become a standout expert, and teach you the skills you need to beat the competition. We’ll spill some of the tricks of the trade, share resources that will make your life so much easier, and simplify marketing for you – we promise!

Lesson 6: Resource Clarity

In this lesson, we’ll help you break free from overwhelm and discover what you absolutely can do yourself, even with very little native skills, and what you cannot afford to do yourself even on a minimal budget. We’ll share the tech, consultants, and assistants you may need to get your business off the ground or take it to the next level, and help you gain confidence in what you can do, and no longer stress about what you can’t.


MODULE 16: How to Build a Killer Brand and Website

Your brand is everything your customers perceive it to be. It’s how you distinguish yourself from others, and how you present yourself to the world. We’re going to help you create the brand you intend, design it the way you envision it, and create a website so you can share it with the world. We’ll cover the technologies you need to deploy, the best website platforms for your business and skill level, basic website principles that will ensure the best user experience and build your audience quickly, and we’ll share design principles the pros use that you can do yourself even if you don’t consider yourself creative. 

Lesson 1: Website Basics and Technology

Do you really need a website? What’s the true purpose of a website these days, anyway, especially if you’re having success from social media? We’ll cover the strategic reasons to create and use your website, the pros and cons of WordPress versus all in one solutions like Squarespace and Wix, how to choose the best email marketing solution or CRM, and we’ll simplify the confusion on what you can do yourself versus what you’ll need to outsource. We cover choosing your name and URL, hosting platforms, and everything you need to know and do to get your website up and running. We’ll also share some of our favorite plugins, add-ons, and software options for things like email captures, popups, SEO tools, and other nice-to-have  technologies that will make your life easier and your business stronger.

Lesson 2: User Experience and Navigation Rules You Need to Know

Once you’ve chosen the best platform for your website, what do you actually need to have on your website? We’ll cover the 5 basics you need to launch your website, plus strategic choices that will grow your list quickly and help your customers get to know you from the moment they meet you. We’ll also share what NOT to do, the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when launching on the online portion of their business, and how to tackle tech issues that pop up at the most inopportune times.

Lesson 3: Design Basics

Even if you lack the desire, skills, or bandwidth to become a design pro yourself, we’ll teach you how to look like one using simple tips, tricks, and resources. We’ll help you choose colors, fonts, and elements to elevate your brand without having to spend a dime on a professional. You’ll learn branding hacks to simplify your life and save your budget, and design the right pages for your website that share your story and your brand in the most compelling way.


MODULE 17: Creating Content that Converts

Content is the means to build your audience, and the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they’ll purchase what you’re selling. In this module, we’ll cover everything you need to be thinking about regarding your content creation. This includes determining what types of content you should be creating and how to make it rank on Google, how to build a plan you can stick to so you’re regularly putting out fresh ideas without burning out, how to effectively distribute content it so you gain the most attention, and how to perfect your voice and writing skills so what you say sounds the way you intend. Content will build your audience, your audience will provide revenue, and revenue will be the means to live the life you want.

Lesson 1: Conquering the Content Game

As “they” say, content is king. Why? Because it’s how you will get eyeballs on your brand. Whether you imagine creating written, video, recipe, photo, or any other kind of content, similar rules apply. We’ll cover what kind of content you should be creating to build an authentic relationship with your audience, and how to figure out what they want. We’ll also talk about the different content formats.

Lesson 2: Content Strategy Planning

You’ve learned what types of content you need to create, but how are you actually going to do it? How will you get it to rank in the SEO game, and how will you be sure it reaches your audience? “If you build it they will come” does NOT apply to the content game, so developing a sound strategy is crucial to your success. We’ll cover how to create a doable plan for creating content so you can break through the overwhelm, how to distribute the various types of content to all your channels, and how to win customers without losing your mind.

Lesson 3: Copywriting Crash Course

How you say something is as important as what you say. Learning the art of copywriting is a must for every content creator, and we’re going to give you a crash course in being the best writer you can be. Whether it’s crafting catchier social captions, penning 10 page whitepapers, or simply scripting a recipe video, you’ll learn best practices for perfecting your voice, tone, and calls to action.


MODULE 18: Marketing Funnels and Sales Strategy

Sales is not a dirty word, and marketing is what will make customers aware of how your business will make their lives better!. Your business’s success will live and die on how well you can market it, so we’re going to teach you how to feel good about everything you offer your customers and how to create a friendly, trustworthy vibe throughout your sales process. We’ll teach you how to craft your marketing plan so you can launch a product, take your customer through a top notch marketing campaign, and watch your sales flow in.

Lesson 1: Selling is Solving and the Art of Marketing Funnels

Selling is just solving problems. If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable asking your customers to buy something from you, then it’s time to change your mindset about sales. We’ll help you flip the switch into realizing your audience needs what you have, and by offering it to them you’re simply solving their problems. You’ll learn strategies for crafting the perfect calls to action, asking your customers to buy your products, and finding your comfort zone so you can always be closing. We’ll teach you how to build a product portfolio that entertains all types of customers and gives you an opportunity to build a trustworthy, life-long, lucrative relationship with your customers.

Lesson 2: Event Marketing and Technology

So much of your business requires marketing online. But what about all the opportunities to market your services in real life? In this lesson, we’ll teach you how to turn a seemingly basic sales opportunity into a marketing machine. We’ll talk about the value of getting involved in or hosting your own events, and how they develop your audience, and transform prospects into dedicated customers, and eventually advocates for your brand. We’ll talk about ways to think about events in order to make the most of it depending on your needs, and the opportunities in live connection for building a successful business.


MODULE 19: Cracking the Social Media Code

Social media is everything. It’s also nothing. Confused? Here’s the deal. On the one hand, you absolutely need a social media presence to create brand awareness, grow your audience, and share your expertise. On the other hand, the social media algorithm gods can flip a switch and just like that, POOF! They can take away the power of your posts. 

It’s imperative to have a smart social media strategy as part of your overall business strategy, but also to not put all your eggs in the social media basket. In this module, we’ll help you craft the perfect balance so you can reap all the benefits social media can provide for your business– without relying on it as your sole source of growth. 

Lesson 1: Choosing the Best Social Platforms for Your Business

Every social media channel has its pros and cons, and due to bandwidth and budget issues, chances are you can’t successfully manage to be on all of them. We’ll help you understand how to best choose the right platforms for your needs by spelling out the strategic advantages – and disadvantages – that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest can offer your business. We’ll cover the right ways and wrong ways to use social media in your business, and explain the biggest mistakes people make when trying to grow their follower count. 

Lesson 2: Partnerships and Influencer Opportunities

Social media is all about being, well, social! What better way to grow your audience than by partnering with others? In this lesson, we’ll teach you the tricks of the trade to execute successful, mutually beneficial partnerships that skyrocket your follower count. We’ll also cover how to seek out and respond to brand partnerships and other influencer opportunities, both paid and unpaid, and we’ll explain how utilizing social proof is arguably the most important selling tool you possess. 

Lesson 3: Building Your Tribe

We’re going to help you understand the concept of having a tribe and why you absolutely need one. We’ll show you how to build not only your social followers, but also your brand’s unique, engaged, passionate community. We’ll also teach you how to evolve them into affiliates so they can share you and your brand to their own followers since they believe in you, your products, and your message. 


MODULE 20: Getting Down to Business and Creating Happy Customers

We’ve covered the hard part. The fun stuff. The heavy lifting. But how will you make sure your business is set up correctly? Legally protected? Properly insured? This is the module every business owner needs to go through, no matter the size, type, or kind of business. We’ll help you easily navigate the confusing path of setting up your business, getting contracts in place, adding terms and conditions to your website, and deciding if and what kind of liability insurance you may need. We’ll also give you some accounting and bookkeeping basics for maintaining ongoing financial health and for those times when you need to hire help. And, we’ll cover how to be sure you’re working within your credentialed scope of practice. 

Lesson 1: Protecting Your Business From the Start

Should you operate as an LLC or Sole Proprietor? Do you need Liability Insurance? How do you register your business or trademark your product? In this lesson, we’ll cover all the super important parts of being an entrepreneur. We’ll help you navigate the confusion smoothly and give you the resources you need when you’re unsure of the best choice. You’ll learn why you need to have your business set up correctly as soon as possible, what you legally can and cannot do within your scope of practice, and how to prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances that could impact your brand in the long run. 

Lesson 2: Maintaining Financial Health and Organization

As they say, it takes money to make money, and you can be sure you’ll incur expenses to get your business off the ground and keep it running. In this lesson, we’ll share best practices on bookkeeping, accounting, and all things financial so you can maintain clean, organized books and get back to doing what you do best. We’ll also share some of our favorite resources for banking and invoicing, and give you a list of tax considerations for your business.




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