Christine Cunningham

I started my career back in 2009 when I graduated from Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute. I then began working as a private chef for families in Orange County, specializing in meal prep and primarily serving clients with complex dietary needs. (If you’re curious to know more about my life before baby, check out Christine’s Meal Makeover ( 😊). When I saw first hand how difficult it is to stay healthy when you don’t have a plan or the support you need, I decided to become a board certified health coach so I could feed clients body, mind, and soul. I am now Nutritious Life and IIN certified!

As a new mom myself, I’ve spent the last year immersed in “all things Mommy.” I went from Meal Makeover to Mommy Makeover real quick. I created these services because I want to use my knowledge of healthy living and expertise in planning and organizing to help moms balance all the parts of their lives.

There are a lot of “shoulds” out there for moms, and I personally know how much shame that word can carry. I will help you escort shame out and welcome in acceptance. I honor the idea of bio-individuality, meaning that what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. Some say it’s an eclectic philosophy on motherhood; I say it’s being gentle on yourself and not comparing yourself to anyone else. Together we will find the best choices for you and your little one.

My goal is to help you grow your confidence, resiliency, and peace of mind in all areas surrounding Motherhood. I will provide you a host of new mommy resources, a safe platform for asking questions, and a non-judgmental ear to always listen… and if I do say so myself, I give some really great advice!

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