Nutritious Life: Healthy Tips, Healthy Recipes, Exercise

7 Head to Toe Mobility Exercises for Beginners

Athletic Asian woman in sportwear practice yoga Cat Cow pose to meditation at home in living room in the morning Feeling so comfortable and relax,Healthcare Concept

What is Mobility?

You wake up at 6am, hop in the shower, grab your cup of coffee and you’re headed straight to work. Your head is down in your computer, you’re knocking out projects and before you know it, it’s time for dinner.

You head to the kitchen and reach for the tin of chickpeas on the top shelf of your cupboard, but your shoulder is so stiff you can’t get your arm over your head—what’s going on?

There are many factors to consider when something like this happens. Aging, a nagging injury, a sedentary lifestyle… or maybe it’s simply poor mobility.

According to the American Council of Exercise “A lack of motion, especially in multiple planes and directions, can create adhesions between the various layers of muscle and fascia, which ultimately reduce joint motion and restrict mobility.”

Mobility is the ability to control your body with an optimal range of motion—pain-free. So, if your range of motion is relatively limited, and you find it extra to perform daily tasks with ease, consider adding mobility exercises to your lifestyle. 

Think of it as putting oil on your body’s hinges. The more movements you incorporate into your routine, the more your connective tissues become elastic. This has  a significant, positive impact on your joint health and overall longevity of free and easy movement.

What are the Benefits of Mobility Training?

Mobility training covers various exercises from yoga and low-impact workouts to training with or without weights. Although general movement is important and encouraged for living your most Nutritious Life, there are a few proven benefits specific to mobility training:

The following mobility exercises are quick, easy and accessible to anyone, anytime. Move through them one after the other or pick and choose the best mobility exercise for you based on what your body is asking you for.

7 Head to Toe Mobility Exercises for Beginners

1. Neck Tilt

Attractive and beautiful girls are stretching their neck. Mobility Training for Beginners
If you’re hunched over your computer all day (or scrolling Instagram on your phone all day?), it’s time to pause and give your neck the care it deserves. Spine Health says poor, hunched posture results in recurring neck pain. This quick, simple neck flexion and extension exercise will help combat the strain.

How To:

Movement Tip: 

2. Standing or Sitting Arm Raise with Side Stretches

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body, making it more susceptible to injury. Whether you’re stepping away from your desk for a quick break or you’re about to jump into a low-impact workout, this stretch will get your shoulders ready.

How To:

Movement Tip:  

3. Cat and Cow 

Long periods of sitting or stooping down without a proper stance and abdominal muscle engagement may cause long-term low back pain. Here’s the stretch you need to give your neck down to your spine some TLC.

How To:

Movement Tip: 

4. Active Leg Raise 

Sore or weak hammies, quads, and hips? If so, this mobility exercise will challenge your stability, improve strength, and help improve both over time.

How To:

Movement Tips: 

a. Take a few seconds of rest at each interval.

b. Use your top hand to support you by letting your fingertips touch the mat across your chest.

5. Supine Windshield Wiper

Counter your long day at work with this relaxing low back stretch. Bonus? You’ll give your core muscles a boost at the same time. 

How To:

Movement Tips: 

6. Standing Calf Raise

Your calf muscles work with other lower leg muscles to help you move your feet, says Cleveland Clinic. This exercise promotes ankle stability and calf strength. 

How To:

Movement Tip: 

7. Toe Raise 

Tired and unhappy feet? It’s easy to forget about the bottom of your feet and your toes but they play a vital role in getting you from one place to another throughout your day. Give them the love and attention they deserve with this final mobility exercise. 

How To:

Movement Tips: 

(Images: Shutterstock)

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