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5 Ways Your Bedroom Could Be Affecting Your Sleep

You’ve been inhaling essential oils religiously, but did you know you can also design your bedroom for better sleep?

Just like the foods you eat and how you exercise can affect whether you toss and turn for hours or sleep super soundly, the environment matters.

Think about how differently you sleep when traveling and staying in hotel rooms or sleeping on a friend’s couch, for instance. It’s obvious surroundings impact how we snooze.

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So how can you turn your own space into a tricked-out bedroom for better sleep? Here are five common ways your space could be affecting your shut-eye and how to fix them, stat.

1. You Need a New Mattress

How comfortable your mattress is really does matter. If it’s old and sagging and you can’t find a spot that feels right, you’re going to be tossing and turning all night. Unfortunately, it can be tough to find one that’s right for you, especially with all of the options now available. The  Better Sleep Council has a guide to determining when you need a new one and how to do your homework to find the best mattress for your body.

2. It’s Not Dark Enough

Total darkness at night is best for good sleep, since the light you’re exposed to affects your body’s production of melatonin, a chemical that regulates sleeping and waking. Try getting some new curtains if streetlamps are keeping your room bright, and minimize screen time in bed, since the blue light from phones and tablets is particularly disruptive.

RELATED: Is a Sleep Disorder Undermining Your Healthy Habits?

3. It’s Too Hot or Too Cold

Research shows the wrong body temperature is linked to insomnia, so if you’re sweating or shivering, you should try to find a middle ground. The National Sleep Foundation says the ideal temperature for sleep is around 65 degrees, but that may vary person to person.

4. Your Bed’s Feng Shui Is Off

No, there’s no science to support the principles of feng shui. But if you’re someone who believes in impact of energy flow, the ancient Chinese system has specific guidelines for bed structure and placement that are meant to promote more restful slumber.

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5. Your Walls Are the Wrong Color

Small studies have shown an association between bedroom wall color and better shut-eye. Blue seems to be the most snooze-inducing (followed by yellow and green), while you may want to stay away from purple, brown, and grey.

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