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How to Turn Picky Eaters Into Healthy Eaters

Q: My kids are picky eaters. How can I get them to eat better?

A: Picky eaters cause more stress in my clients than perhaps Halloween candy overload or four holiday parties in one day.

One of the biggest frustrations I hear from parents is about slaving over healthy foods only to have their kiddos turn their nose at them.

You added pureed carrots to the marinara and they spit it out. You switched to whole wheat pasta and they twirled it but didn’t bite. You arranged the veggies in a happy face on their plate and they moved them around into a frown.

You’re really considering swapping your healthy diet efforts for the nearest fast food drive-through so they can “at least have fuel.”  

We all want to teach our kids how to eat healthy. And, anything we can do to help that, come hell or high water, we’ll do. So, when they don’t adhere to our nutritious food efforts we sob in one way, shape or form.

I can help.

Turning Picky Eaters Into Healthy Eaters—the Golden Rule

Monkey see, monkey do, mom and dad! You must set a good example. You’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it twice, I’m telling you again: Be a role model. Show, don’t tell. That is the Golden Rule of turning a picky eater into a healthy eater!

Until your kids are teens, you are their role model (then you get to turn that honor over to Taylor Swift or, if you’re lucky, Amanda Gorman).

Kids watch their parents and mimic their behaviors, so you need to show them: That you eat a healthy diet, that it’s normal to eat a variety of foods, and what it looks like to taste something you don’t care for.

In short, show them with your actions how you would like them to behave and they will eventually follow your lead. Sometimes it’s helpful to think about food as analogous for life. We want our kids to be open-minded and non-judgmental. Make sure you are showing this attitude towards food like you to do to other important topics. A balanced diet and a balanced life go hand in hand.

Watch My Advice For Picky Eaters That I Share on CBS This Morning

Here are 5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts to turn picky eaters into healthy eaters:



Eating is strongly influenced by social relationships, culture and environment.

It is perfectly normal for kids to go through food jags where they like certain foods and kick former faves to the curb. How you parent your kids as they form their eating relationships is uber important in turning out healthy eaters, instead of lifelong picky eaters.

If  you still have questions, just ask on social media @keriglassman … I’m here to help you!

(Image: Shutterstock)

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