Nutritious Life: Healthy Tips, Healthy Recipes, Exercise

5 Easy, Hearty Winter Squash Recipes You Haven’t Tried

Ready? We’re about to squash your old notions of comfort food. (Yes, we went there.) These winter squash recipes all result in delicious, hearty meals that are great for vegetarians (only one includes meat) but can also satisfy meat-eaters.

They’re also crazy nutritious, since winter squash in its many varieties—butternut, spaghetti, or acorn—is filled with important vitamins like A, C, and K, fiber, and antioxidants like carotenoids (hence its orange hue).

Did we mention each recipe is fast and easy? Get cooking, now.

5 Easy, Hearty Winter Squash Recipes

winter squash recipes

Ginger Carrot Squash Soup

The benefits of butternut squash meet super-healthy coconut oil and immunity-boosting chicken broth and ginger in this simple two-step soup. All you have to do is saute and blend.

Spaghetti and Spice Squash

Skip the fettuccine and eat this stringy squash with healthy spices like rosemary and thyme, tomatoes, and spinach.

Butternut Squash Smoothie

Throw frozen butternut squash (which you can buy packaged or freeze yourself after cooking) in the blender with cinnamon and protein powder for an energy-boosting breakfast.

Acorn Squash Bowl

Acorn squash may not be as popular as butternut, but in addition to its healthy attributes, it can double as dishware. Make this bowl and then fill it with a quinoa salad, three-bean chili, or hey, how about that Ginger Carrot Squash Soup?

Kale & White Bean Soup with Spicy Chorizo

Chicken sausage adds a spicy kick, the beans will help fill you up for hours, and It’s chock full of veggies like kale and butternut squash, plus garlic, onions, and cloves for an antioxidant kick.

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